11th SFPE Conference on Performance-Based Codes – Call for Abstracts

Im kommenden Jahr findet vom 23. bis 25. Mai 2016 die elfte Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods Konferenz in Warschau statt. Seit 1996 liegt der Schwerpunkt dieser Konferenz auf der Entwicklung und Anwendung von leistungsorientierten Nachweisen, deren Methoden und die hierfür erforderlichen Standards.

Vorschläge für Beiträge mit den Schwerpunkten Performance-Based Codes und Performance-Based Design können bis Mittwoch, den 30. September 2015, mit dem Betreff „Warsaw Conference 2016“ bei Melissa Franco, SFPE (mfranco at sfpe.org) eingereicht werden.

Specification for Submissions

Performance-Based Codes
We are seeking abstracts relating to performance-based regulatory structures, performance-based codes and performance-based standards. Topics of interest include infrastructure needed for the successful implementation of performance-based codes (education, professional registrations, enforcement, legal environmental, etc.) as well as perspectives on experiences (both positive and negative) associated with use of performance-based codes.

Performance-Based Design
We are soliciting abstracts on fire safety engineering methods currently in use or under development. Viewpoints are also sought on dealing with uncertainty and new research findings relevant to performance-based design. Please note that case studies without generalizable results are typically not acceptable.

The participants in this conference will be professionals involved in all disciplines of engineering, regulation development and enforcement, testing, standards of development and development of engineering design methods.

Submittal Requirement
Those wishing to present at the 11th Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design should download and complete the presentation abstract application by 30 September 2015. The conference language is English.

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